Anybody using 320G/325G with auto sheet feed?

I have a 320G press (#17096) set up with the optional auto sheet feed and was wondering if anyone was using one of these presses. I am looking for replacement rubber tapes for its sheet advance mechanism and have yet to find a source. Any ideas? Any tips on working on this press from someone experienced with its operation?

Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY


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Fritz Klinke
18 years ago

NM-88 Delivery tape, made from synthetic rubber, was deleted from the Vandercook system Dec. 2, 1974–why by then did they bother? Actually, it was done on the very last Engineering Change order issued by Vandercook–#1481. I guess that left the engineering staff without work or jobs. In a few months, Vandercook ceased operation as a unit of Illinois Tool Works. So, these tapes were at the crux of Vandercook’s demise.

The tapes were joined by the 00 size of aligator clips, and in what none of us would ever admit to, the directions say “assemble hinge X-14403 & hinge pin. Also wrap joint with Scotch tape to prevent loosing pin.” I guess Scotch tape didn’t get an X number.

I’ll see if we can get what’s specified for these tapes.

This little search lead me to the back of a cabinet drawer I had never opened all the way and I found an un-numbered print titled “Method of determining Print and Dead Lines on Vandercook Presses” dated Apr 20, 1962. That was right next to a schedule for the LO-15 Letterpress and Offset machine signed by E.O. Vandercook, and it’s the first time I’ve seen his signature. Interesting.

Eric Holub
18 years ago

Norm McKnight here in the Bay Area has the tape delivery on his 325; I don’t on mine. But I don’t see any reason why cloth presstapes wouldn’t work. American Printing Equipment used to sell rolls of it, probably not anymore. Tapes were used on all kinds of older presses before the chain delivery, and bindery equipment (for example Baumfolder feedboards). You could use alligator clips to seam them, or just overlap and sew them as long as you got the overlap right.
–Eric Holub, SF

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