Basic question –– I have a feeling the Vandercook SP-15 Timing Pulley on our SP-15 is reaching the end of its life so I’m planning to get a spare from NA Graphics, but I can’t seem to find the part listed for the belt? Or is the belt a standard, off-the-shelf part? Thanks in advance
MoreMore TagCategory: belt/chain
Drive belt for Vandercook 4
I recently purchased a Vandercook 4 (serial number 15744). The press was supposedly housed for many years at the University of Notre Dame. In any case, it is not operational at the moment. I have a local machinist looking into the wiring, which seems to be the issue, as the motor, when all the wiring […]
MoreMore TagTightening drive chain on Universal III
Anyone got an idea of the sequence (or at least a place to start loosening bolts) to move the sprockets to tighten the chain on an automatic Universal III? The chain is hanging enough that it is dragging just after (or before?) it passes the sprocket nearest the ink drum roller. I’m not sure it […]
MoreMore TagNew Belt for Vandercook 215 Proof Press
Hi All, The belt of my 215 proof press finally bit the dust. NA Graph doesn’t have any. Does anyone have any luck with another vendor or manufacturer for these? Photo attached. thank you, Britt
MoreMore Tag#4 Drive Belt Replacement
I’ve replaced the MM144 drive belt on my #4 and adjusted the motor mount to accommodate it. My question is: What is the proper belt tension? How do I how measure and adjust it accordingly? Thanks! Matt
MoreMore TagVandercook 4 rehab!
Yup, lucky me! I found one in a tin barn in the northern Catskills. It needs some love, but after half a day with penetrating oil, Simple Green, scotch pads, wire brushes and q-tips, etc., the drum turns over and the motor whirs; the press is level and the bed is clean. The belt for […]
MoreMore TagSP-15 Belt is loose again!
Seems like we just replaced the V-belt on our SP-15, the one with the newer Baldor motor. It is already loose again. The last time we had belt issues, Lad Boyle wrote about a process he had for removing the bottom plate, the plate the motor sits on. I think this was so my machinist […]
MoreMore TagUniversal III-Rag stuck in gear
While cleaning our new Uni III, one of my students managed to get a rag caught in the drive cylinder gear. They wisely cut the motor off and unplugged the machine, but our attempts to The chain is very tight; I cannot find any wiggle room to get the rag out. I’m now trying to […]
MoreMore TagSP-15 rear trip pin wearing ink drum belt?
My SP-15 is showing wear on the rear trip pin from the ink drum belt. Photo shows wear from both trip and print positions. The belt touches the trip pin. Is this expected? And if not, what’s the best way to adjust this? Additionally the trip arm had been touching the ink drum (wear from […]
MoreMore TagSp-15 Slowdown
One of our SP-15 presses at UAFS has an oscillating cylinder that is slowing way down shortly after being inked. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of ink (ie, stiff or loose); it’s as though the ink is too thick. This machine has had a motor replacement (posted a few years back on this […]
MoreMore TagSP-20 drive chain issue
The chain on my SP-20 seems to be getting hung up or caught on something. In the 15-second video above, you can see it catch in the beginning and then towards the end. Is one of the gears failing? I need to run several jobs this week but don’t want to risk snapping the chain. […]
MoreMore TagRag disappeared into my No. 4 — help!
One my my worst nightmares just happened. I was cleaning the ink drum of my No. 4 and carelessly let the rag slip with the drum rotating. I immediately switched off the power and hoped to see the rag on the shelf below the drum. But it is nowhere visible. I fear it may be […]
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