Sp-15 Slowdown

5371-1One of our SP-15 presses at UAFS has an oscillating cylinder that is slowing way down shortly after being inked. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of ink (ie, stiff or loose); it’s as though the ink is too thick. This machine has had a motor replacement (posted a few years back on this forum) which included a control switch for speed. I have tried upping the speed a bit, but it does not seem to help. So it would seem that inking the rollers increases the “load” on the motor, and that is slowing it down. I’m wondering if we were given the wrong type of motor?

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
9 years ago

Lad, a gear belt and pulley is specified in the manuals. I have seen a v-belt and pulley on early No.4s, 215s, 219s (old and new style) as well as the 15-21.

Lad Boyle
9 years ago

A pile of shavings in 4 months since someone did a workup of the press is a lot – is it possible that the belt is the wrong size, in particular too wide? Or maybe was set too tight? So that once it “shaved itself” its now too loose?

A gear belt is better, but a proper fitting v-belt, set at proper tension, should handle the torque increase when adding ink.

Paul, you agree?


Paul Moxon, Moderator
9 years ago

Another good point, Lad. A few months back, I saw a drive belt on a Challenge 21MP (same as the SP15) with teeth so worn down it no longer meshed with the pulley.

Lad Boyle
9 years ago

One more thought: is the belt driving the roller slipping or is the motor slowing down? take the cover off and watch what is happen.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
9 years ago

Lad’s last point is the place to start. The oscillator worm gear and may need to be disassembled, cleaned and lubricated with Vaseline.

Lad Boyle
9 years ago


I would be useful to post the specs for the new motor –

Have you tried put small amounts of ink on at at time, and spread it out, to see if less ink helps. For whatever reason, the motor does not have the torque needed to deal with the drag created by the ink. Maybe, you are getting drag/friction from something not being clean or lubricated.

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