Hello, we the Hicks Brothers, just got the nicest Universal 1 that we have ever seen. Oh yeah, it has a power carriage! I can send you as many pictures as you like. I just shipped all 4 roller recovered–they were fair but new is better. Priced at $15,000 which includes straight forward SF Bay Area […]
MoreCategory: Frisket
Question about Frisket Frame for Uni-I
Folks, I noticed that the Universal Parts manual shows a “Frisket Frame” unit for a Uni-I. Is this frisket only for the motorized Uni or would it also work on a manual (hand-cranked) Uni-I ? Thanks. /thomas/
MoreNo. 1 Proof Press Cylinder Undercut / Registration
I have a No. 1 proof press, serial # 6327 that I picked up a while ago to print woodblock and linocuts on, plus I would love to do some small edition work, as I learn. Two questions- In reading through some posts and books, I see the impression cylinder has an under-cut. How do […]
MoreRegistration on the No. 1
My recently acquired No. 1 proof press (#3639) is an older version sans grippers. The previous owner fashioned a hinged tympan on the bed which I believe was used for registration. He had taped on makeready with gauge pins to the underside of this tympan at one point. However, the press has not been used […]
MoreSeeking Frisket Tower for Universal I
I am interested in finding a frisket tower for my Vandercook Universal I. I think a lot of people take these things off, but I like them. Does anyone know of one that might be available for sale? Thanks, Daniel Morris The Arm Letterpress Brooklyn, NY
MorePoco 0 with tympan and frisket
Here are a couple of photos of my Hacker Poco 0 with my tympan and frisket. I hand ink this press. Notice the roller bearers. This process approximates the printing techniques used on the Common Press for 350 years, and the Iron Hand Press for another 150 years. I use brown paper for both the […]