Registration on the No. 1

My recently acquired No. 1 proof press (#3639) is an older version sans grippers.

The previous owner fashioned a hinged tympan on the bed which I believe was used for registration. He had taped on makeready with gauge pins to the underside of this tympan at one point. However, the press has not been used in about 10 years so I found his system in some disrepair.

I would appreciate any feedback on registration methods for a No. 1 and/or if this hinged tympan system sounds reasonable. Thanks!

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Paul Sinclair
14 years ago

Please post an update as to what you have found out. I too have a NO1 proof, and wonder how the frame keeps from hitting the inking plate on top?

Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

Yes, it’s the Briar Press discussion has some great information. However, Neil Giroux has shared his experience here:

Thomas Hardjono
14 years ago


Not sure if this can be of help, but there was a long discussion recently on Briar press about doing registration, friskets, etc etc on a Poco. Some of the ideas there might be applicable to your case:


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