[This post deserves a second look–PM] I have recently rebuilt a Uni-III Power and was perplexed when I could not satisfactorily adjust the “braking” of the carriage at either end of travel. I adjusted the clutch to book spec, checked the micro switches, contacts and rheostat, all were functioning properly. With no other known adjustment […]
MoreCategory: Power Carriage
Vandercook 219 Power – 3 phase to Single Phase?
I recently purchased a Vandercook 219 power, and I’m weighing my options on switching it from 3 phase to single phase. Is it possible to switch out the motor to a single phase motor, or should I just go with a rotary converter? Thanks!
MorePower 219 Questions
Admittedly, I have no experience with Vandercook or any other flatbed presses. Currently I run a Windmill, C&P and a Golding Jobber, but am looking to expand in size and versatility. I found a Power 219 for sale and was hoping that someone could give me some pointers on what to look for, and more […]
MoreUniversal 1 powered carriage drive clutch question
folks – We have a Vandercook Universal-1 with a powered carriage. I am having a little trouble getting the drive clutch adjusted properly and I was hoping that I could get some help from other powered-carriage Vandercook owners out there. The clutch is attached (as you might expect) between the drive motor and gear that […]
MoreUniversal I P bumper contact
Last week I was looking at a plain (no frisket) power Universal I AB which was running erratically; turns out the driving gear had loosened and was binding against the housing that covers it. Then we tried to readjust the clutch according to the manual. But when there is just enough clutch friction to pass […]
MorePower carriage resource
Last week I was in New York and stayed with Daniel Morris at The Arm who suggested that I should visit Leeds Radio an electronics parts supplier. Leeds is a treasure trove tucked away on a side street that sells many new old stock items including the knobs and switches needed to fix power carriage […]
MoreUniversal III forward / reverse switches
Does anyone have a working forward / backward switches for a Universal III they would be willing to sell? I also need the microswitch that is on the lower backside of the press closest to the feedboard, but this doesn’t seem quite as critical. Any help would be appreciated. Ray Nichols / Lead Graffiti
More232P conversion to M a success!
Our machine shop added two gears and linked them together. The link can be seen in the picture with yellow handle (to the right of the handle). The reason for the link is that the cylinder shifts position and gear and the handle needed to shift with it. It takes five and a half rotations […]
MoreUniversal III carriage conversion
Chris Manson, proprietor of Crooked Crow Press, in Rockville, Maryland has converted his Universal III Power Vandercook to a hand-cranked press. He had a retired machinist make a collar extension to fit onto the bearing stub on the impression cylinder (photo 3). Onto this new bearing stub Chris attached a crank from a large Poco […]
More232P restoration and conversion project
Wesleyan University Art Professor David Schorr and Studio Tech Kate Ten Eyck have acquired a Vandercook 232P for the Printmaking studio. Kate sent me this photo of the press as it looked in November. Their objective is to convert this power carriage press into a hand-cranked one. The 232 is a big press: maximum form: […]
MoreSMZ [ShiMiZu]
While traveling in Japan I ran across two of these little vander-like presses. This one was at one of Tokyo’s 6 still-functioning typefoundries, the other was at the Toppan Museum [I can’t post pictures of it because they said so]. Anyways, here’s some pictures for your amusement & edification. Let me know if you have […]
MoreUniversal III Under Power!
A video… This is the most recent press to cross the threshold at The Arm. It didn’t take too much fiddling to replace the microswitches across the back of the press, clean out the control box and get it cycling back and forth, but it is pausing for a full five second count at the […]