Considering 325G

I’m considering purchasing a reconditioned 325G with new rollers and all fixed up for $6800. It’s a heftier press than I have ever used and uses in ink plate instead of an ink drum.

Does anyone have serious problems with their 325G and/or warn against this purchase?

I am in upstate NY/Rochester area — does anyone near have this press and would allow me to look at theirs?

Is this a reasonable price?

many thanks for your feedback!

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Bradley Dicharry
13 years ago

Presumably this is the press being offered by Steve Robinson. I haven’t had much experience on the 325G, but I can say that Steve is a great guy and does an incredible job refurbishing these machines.

kyle van horn
13 years ago

I agree with Eric on this one. The 325 is an early but robustly designed press.

As with most Vandercooks, it is capable of a lot if you learn to work with its strengths and limitations.

I have pulled a couple thousand impressions on one and like it a lot. One strength that has not yet been mentioned is that on the rare instance you might want to print with a ‘split fountain’ (or rainbow roll), it tends to hold the colors longer (rather than blend to a averaged middle-color) as the press does not continue to mix when idling. No motor = no continuous blend.

However, is it the most finesse-able and fine-printing press that Vandercook made? Probably not. It all depends on what you intend to use it for.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

I believe that the SP25 you are considering has a power carriage. This would be a safety factor if you intend on using it at your school.
The SP25 bed size is 25×40½” and the maximum sheet is 24½×28″.

See this page for other common models:

Eric Holub
13 years ago

Condition is everything, especially at that price. I have a 325G in fairly good condition and have no complaints, except:
1) that inking can be inconsistant unless added weights are put on the carriage, and
2) the maximum image length is misleading, because the deadline falls in between the back position of the form rollers; that is the rear roller stops ON a maximum length form, and is thus only useful for proofing rather than printing
You can hold off some bursitis by brayering the ink on the ink plate rather than doing all distribution by carriage motion.
I wouldn’t go back to the lightly-built SP-20 I had before.

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