Hello all – You’d think that after 4 years of owning this press and scrubbing, cleaning, and rebuilding most parts of our SP20, I’d have seen everything. A few weeks ago I noticed a pair of markings on the non-operator side of our press. Directly across the end of the press from the serial number […]
MoreMore TagAuthor: kyle van horn
Print your own Press!
Hi all – – I thought I’d offer up a link to some fun for your 3 day weekend. In honor of Vandercook’s 100th, I put together a little papercraft version of my SP20 to share with everyone. Don’t know what papercraft is? It’s this: Make your own SP20 at any size you’re willing to […]
MoreMore TagHappy Discovery
So, as some of you may remember, I’m restoring an SP20 currently (yeah, I know, I should be done by now… but I’m not.) Well, I’m finally having the rollers recast, and I noticed something yesterday I thought I’d pass along. I was cleaning the gunk off of the ends of my cores to send […]
MoreMore TagRestoring an SP-20 (i.e. hunting for parts)
Hello all – – I had the great fortune of saving an SP20 from the scrapyard earlier this Spring. However, it was not quite as complete as I remembered it being when I first found it last Fall. Someone clearly attempted to dismantle it sometime in its history, then abandoned it, and the only old […]
MoreMore Tag325 Mis-alignment question
Happy New Year all — I have a question for the masses – I’ll try to keep this concise. The shop I work in has a 325 that has forever seemed to have issues. We solved it various ways – extra packing being one, realizing it needed a bed plate was another (that helped!). We […]
MoreMore TagSleeve attachment for hand-activated grippper bar
This post related to Hand gripper lever for a No. 3. –PM: Here’s a quick sketch. I don’t have a #3 around me, but if the Gripper Trip Lever is anything like a #4 or an SP-20, you can undo the top 2 screws and let it swing free, slide the tube over, and reassemble.
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