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Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

You’re right, Dan. I started to comment on this earlier, but couldn’t get a jpeg to attach. Live link are a fresh problem, too. I’m working on it folks.

The Arm
12 years ago

My guess is it is just a very early #3 and they later moved the bed end stops and springs below the rails. It looks like where the feed table uprights would mount it is unpainted/rusty so I would guess it had or has a feed table to go with it.


The Arm
12 years ago

Is it just me, or are those end blocks/springs in a very strange location? I hope Fritz can find this one in the files.

Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY

Fritz Klinke
12 years ago

Try to get the serial number so I can look it up–based on the chase leaning against the press that looks like a newspaper page, this press may have been built like we see it for special use. We have several file cabinet drawers full of files related to modified Vandercooks that were used by newspapers and various publishers. This may never have had a feed table and was used for galley proofs and the like. It would be interesting to find out.


Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

This is a No. 3 Old Style, circa 1931-41. The feed board has been removed, you should confirm that it is present. The photo shows light rust all the bare metal surfaces, but can likely be cleaned after install.

Make sure the seller removes the hand crank before shipping as this will otherwise get damaged.

Not that this model was not originally equipped with an ink motor or pedal to open the paper grippers.

I also do not see a foot dead bar on the bed.

Shayna - Steel Petal Press

You should reference this Vandercook illustrated timeline: https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/timeline/

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