
After just a few months here in the Pacific Nortwest, my previously unrusty SP-15 is beginning to show slight signs of rust on the cylinder rack teeth. In looking in the archives, I noted that Evapo-Rust has been recommended for rust removal. Should I look into getting some type of machine to reduce humidity in the press room? Will excessive humidity cause eventual damage to the rollers? The press is in the house, not the garage, but still dampness is always an issue here. Thanks very much for any advice.

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
16 years ago

More and more I’m using WD40.

The Arm
16 years ago

Hello Sylvia,
These parts should be lightly oiled with something like 3-in-1 oil. This should help to keep them from rusting. The same should be applied (only very lightly) to the top and bottom bearers and the press bed.
I think the Evapo-Rust might be overkill in this case.

Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY

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