Philadelphia Vandercook teachers?

Looking for experienced Vandercook printers, to teach hands-on workshops in Port Richmond, Philadelphia– off of a Vandercook No. 3 Proof Press.  I am not quite ready to teach, but want to use the studio & equipment– for classes.

I would love to begin as soon as late February.  Please be in touch, as proceeds from classes will be shared.

Thank you,
Aimee Wilson

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Ray Nichols
13 years ago

We are in Newark, Delaware. I’m not sure we have time in February with our own workshops and the like, but when you get closer to the time we may be able to help out.

Might help to explain more thoroughly what it is that you want. Is this a workshop for just you to learn your equipment. Are there others that would be attending? Money?

kyle van horn
13 years ago

Are you planning on regular workshops or just a few?

I’m in Baltimore and might be interested.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

Contact Marisha Simons at University of the Arts , perhaps she can help. Btw: I will be teaching my Vandercook Maintenance workshop at the Center for Book Arts in New York, April 30-May 1 CBA may be able to help if you can’t find someone in Philly.

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