I have a Potter-Challenge that needs attention. I need photos that will help me to understand how the paper gripper mechanism connects with the pedal. The grippers are missing and at the moment the pedal lifts the cylinder and thats about it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Bernard in South Africa
Bernard, contact John Falstrom through his website – http://www.perennialdesigns.net/. He has restored a Challenge Potter & would be able to provide a lot of detail for your project.
Close up of the backside of the GWA Potter.
Here’s a photo a No. 2 Potter at The Grafisch Werkcentrum in Amsterdam (GWA), courtesy of Thomas Gravemaker.
Josh, If Flickr’s not your thing, I can set up a sub page for your project on this site.
Hola Josh. Flickr worked for me very well since you can add descriptions and add tags, so it’s searchable, and then you can upload really high res images, and even small videos.
Here’s my set for my Vandercook No. 4
Back in November I asked for some help on similar functions of my Potter. I have since taken my #2 apart, documenting everything. Quite a few things are missing, unexplained or broken. I would love to know how its really supposed to work. for my press, I do have the pedal mechanisms. This turns a main (long axle) that lifts the drum, or something like that. I’d personally really like to find a self inking mechanism. Anyway. I’m having some pieces re-engineered and I’ll want to share that process. I’ve got much documentation of my disassembly and cleaning. Paul, is there a good place to put this ‘research’ for public use? I could greatly benefit from anyone else’s working potters as well.
Here’s another view of a Hacker No. 2 showing a bit more of the pedal linkage. I haven’t found any catalog images showing the back side. perhaps a Potter owner will share a photo.
This is a No. 2 Challenge-Potter. Attached is an image from the 1935 ATF Machinery catalog. I will email you high res catalog PDFs.