Need pic to re-install No. 3 rollers

Hi List– I sent my rollers out to be recovered. They’re back, and I don’t remember how they’re supposed to be re-installed! Yeh, I know… it seemed so obvious at the time.

I saved all the parts I removed, carefully differentiating between rights and lefts. I soaked them in solvent to clean them. But it just isn’t obvious to me how it all goes back. I was hoping for a PHOTO of properly installed rollers.

The scant parts diagrams I have are not very helpful.

thanks for any and ALL help– I have to use this on Sunday, and here it is late Friday afternoon and I’ll be away tomorrow.

Sure would appreciate a hint or three!  ==Marjorie

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

This schematic shows that the rear roller the gear is mounted on the operator’s side while the front roller is mounted on the far side. Note that the form roller gears share the same rack as the cylinder gears.

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