Roller bearing blocks position, nyliners and spring

Hi everyone,

Looking at photos of other sp-15s I noticed that my press came with the spring pulling on a different piece than it should.

Is this (2nd photo) the right arrangement? My press is the first photo.

Also, my bearing blocks are obviously wrong, I will change them tomorrow. I also want to know what this spring does, and that mysterious piece circled in green.


What about the nyliners. ¿how should they be arranged?

Inside or outside? rubber side or end set screw side?


Thank you so much for your input.

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11 years ago

Hi, If anyone needs a copy of the Vandercook Manual Operation-Maintenance and Parts List for a Model SP15, I have an original one in it’s perfect condition from back in Nov 1965. If anyone would like a copy, just send me your email and I will send you a pdf file of the whole manuel. My contribution to a great web site that is helping all.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

Difficulty advancing the carriage in trip mode could be due to dirty plungers (X-20805), the steel rods that project out from the side of the bed. The ARS-5 spring may also be weak. See Sheet 282-A of the manual.

Ray Nichols
12 years ago

That ‘L’ bracket on our SP-15 has a metal insert that keeps a plastic insert tight that scrapes between the Delrim wheels keeping things nice and neat. Looking at ours today, I think I need to check it more often and clean out the gunk. There was plenty.

Ray Nichols
12 years ago

Roller with the spring goes toward the feedboard.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

This and the other issues we discussed in email …. Try blowing out the dust bunnies with compressed air.

Access to the spring is not ideal, but you’ll find that when the space is clean and well-lit and you need only to tap the screw driver and then the J-tool firmly.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

So many issues …

You shouldn’t need to remove the side plate. The post you’re referring to was an extreme case.
I gave this same answer to someone else a few weeks ago, but I’ll repeat it here. From page 8 of my book:

Trip spring replacement: review Sheet 302 in the SP manual, but ignore the instruction to break spring loop with chisel because this may damage dowel “A”. Instead, pry loop from dowel with a long 1⁄8″ screwdriver.
The assembly tool (j-19953) is available to rent from NA Graphics. It can also can be made from a 2 × 60 pica length of printer’s furniture. Place the loop of the spring against the side of the furniture and tap to indent, then drill hole with a 3⁄8″ flat bit and cut to shape. A flat segment of the broken spring can be used to create tension against the top of the loop.
Before installing, trip arm must be in print mode, see illustration below. Insert spring into tool. Raise oscillator and remove form rollers from press. From the feed board, insert a long thin screwdriver behind the side plate against spring and dowel, then hit with a mallet. To install a replacement spring insert spring over “C” and under “B.” Hit the assembly tool with a mallet until loop of spring snaps onto “A.”

Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

You already have the rollers supports.

The oscillator has nothing to do with the cylinder trip. Instead, I think the plunger (X-20805) needs cleaning. See Sheet 282-A.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
12 years ago

The arrangement in the second photo is correct. The spring keeps the rear form roller against the ink drum because the oscillator is lighter than earlier models.

Nyliners with a long body should be inserted into the bearing blocks from the core side. This prevents the collar from grinding into the bearing block. Nyliners with a short body are inserted on both sides, and a core retaining screw (X-22157) insures the outer Nyliner doesn’t fall out as well as the block remains attached to the core when the assembly is removed.

The L-shaped bracket is part of the later version of the optional “Bearer Controlled Roller Support” assembly (the while Delrin wheels), which facilitate even inking.

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