SP15 form roller adjustment knobs stripped?

My form rollers are too low, but the adjustment knobs seem totally ineffective. I got the press somewhat recently and it was a student press before I got it, so who knows what it’s been through. I think the knobs are likely stripped — does anyone have experience with an issue like this? Is it a relatively fixable issue (I hope)?

I’m in the Los Angeles area and would also gladly pay a knowledgable person to help. Thanks so much!

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The Arm
3 months ago

Can you post a photo or two? It could be that something is assembled incorrectly.


Paul Moxon, Moderator
4 months ago

Have you examined the threads on the adjusting posts and the bearing blocks? The lock screw on the block must pass through the unthreaded side first.

Ask the International Printing Museum in Carson for a local repair recommendation.

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