SP15 hand gripper lever

Last week I was in New York to teach workshops at the “Center for Book Arts”:http://centerforbookarts.org/, and also visited a couple of printshops including Daniel Morris’s “The Arm Letterpress”:http://www.thearmnyc.com/information/letterpress in Brooklyn. Some readers may know that has several Vandercooks including this rather unusual SP15 that has a hand lever mechanism to raise the paper grippers instead on a foot pedal.

sp15-gripperleverclosed.jpg sp15gripperlevereopen.jpg

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
17 years ago

I agree with Gerald: working slowly (assuming the run is small) is where I find the best results and the pleasure in printing.

Alex Brooks
17 years ago

my friends brian & sarah turner of the Cricket Press in lexington have one like this too. I helped them get it running [the cylinder had been removed and replaced incorrectly before they purchased it] I’d never seen anything like it. They say they love it though.

Gerald Lange
17 years ago


I worked with one of these for a couple of years. It also had the handle on the ink roller rather than the motor driven ink drum. Quite frankly, anything that slows you down and makes you more intuitive with the printing process is to your benefit.


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