I am happy to announce that I’ve been chosen to receive a Fulbright award to study Book Conservation at West Dean College in West Sussex England. I’ll be studying for two years, beginning September 2010. Community engagement and cultural exchange are integral parts of the Fulbright program, and accordingly I am looking to conduct free […]
MoreMore TagAuthor: Alex Brooks
WANTED: #4 motor speed reducer
I am looking for a motor speed reducer for a #4. This press belongs to Gray Zeitz, who is the nicest person you’ll ever meet, has a beard like ZZ top, and has been hand setting & printing books at Larkspur Press for 35 years. He’s charged me with getting this press running, and this […]
MoreMore TagSMZ [ShiMiZu]
While traveling in Japan I ran across two of these little vander-like presses. This one was at one of Tokyo’s 6 still-functioning typefoundries, the other was at the Toppan Museum [I can’t post pictures of it because they said so]. Anyways, here’s some pictures for your amusement & edification. Let me know if you have […]
MoreMore Taguniversal I adjustable bed teardown
wanted to point you all to some pictures I took while removing, cleaning, and re-assembling the adjustable bed of my press.click here
MoreMore Tagvandercook 11 block leveler
The airlines have conspired to strand me in the NY area. So I decided to send you all a note from red hook. Unfortunately, I won’t have time to visit the Arm this time, but i did spend a week at the Dale Guild in NJ, and took some pictures of Theo’s vandercook block leveler. […]
MoreMore Tagmissing parts from my 320
I have a disassembled 320 who’s missing a few parts. I have no idea where they went to, probably some sculpture kid ran off with them. Anyway, as I see it I have 3 options. 1] find replacement parts from a scrap press 2] machine new parts based on actual pieces or plans 3] sell […]
MoreMore TagDust Cover Repair
Universal Is [and other v-cooks?] have an optional dust cover which is, because of the design, often broken. They seem to break at the same point, the transition from dust cover to attachment tab. I believe that the dust cover should have been made without the cutout in the center, which would have prevented the […]
MoreMore TagBent Bumper on Uni I
It’s finally time to fix the bent bumper on my Uni I. The bumper bar itself has been bent from use, which makes the bumpers useless when the press is on short-trip (when in s-t the bumpers stick out from the press instead of hugging the sides of the press). Has anyone ever straightened the […]
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