Universal III Gripper Assembly Cleaning

Hi–I’ve taken apart the gripper assembly to give it a good cleaning. In the past I’ve used Simple Green to soak everything and loosen the grime and then used a toothbrush to get in all the nooks and crannies, etc. Graphite to lubricate and then I put it all together again. BUT this time, I’m out of Simple Green. Can I just use Dawn and water? Or is water bad b/c of rust? Even if I let everything dry completely? Thanks…..

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
6 years ago

I only use a degreaser for real grimy parts. You should note that Simple Green is water-based and can cause rust. I normally follow-up with WD-40 which displaces water. If you have previousy cleaned the grippers I can’t image that they’re too dirty. I would just use with WD-40 on its own.

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