15-21, roller issue

This may prove painfully obvious, but here are the details of my issue, which I’m hoping someone out there may be able to help me with.

Running a sheet through the press over a 2-page spread of metal type, head to foot, without ink I’m getting a good, clean, even impression.

I then set my rollers with a .918 gauge to between 1/16 and 1/8 strip at each corner (lft/frnt, lft/rear, right/frt, right rear).

I then run a sheet through, and the left page (closest to operator) inks relatively well, but the right page gets hardly any ink at all. In order to get even inking, I have to lower both rollers on the non-operator side until I’m getting almost a 1/4 inch on the gauge.

This makes no sense at all. Any ideas?

ps. I should also mention that when inking up the press, with the rollers set evenly with the gauge, I’m getting very little contact from the drum to the rubber rollers to the triple-metal rollers on top. I find I have to press down on the triple-metal-roller rack on the non-operator side in order to get good contact and thus good ink distribution on all rollers.


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Eric Holub
13 years ago

Well, I guess removing the front form would be way too much work, and even raising it would be an unnecessary coplication. Easy in SPs and Universals, not here. Just remove the distributors and examine how drum, form rollers, and plate relate to each other in motion.
It also struck me that this probably was designed for nyliners. Are they all present? Missing nyliners would mean play or false motion at the roller ends.

Fritz Klinke
13 years ago

The wood bearing in the ends of the rider rollers is F-761. These were designed not to be lubricated as the wood used is self lubricating, but they do wear out after time and should be replaced. It means the taper pins holding the assembly together have to be removed to access the rider rollers to replace the bearings. We can also offer a newer plastic bearing material made to the same specifications as the original wood. The other thing to check for wear is the bearing block on each end of the ink rollers.

Eric Holub
13 years ago

I’d try to isolate things. Ink up, but then remove the distributors and front form roller. Does the rear form roller by itself still fail to ink the same place in the form? Can you see anything lifting as the roller crosses the form?
If the form is level and stable, but the roller fails to contact, is there is some roller lift happening?
If it doesn’t happen with one roller, add the front form and see if anything changes, and if not, then add the distributors.
Sometimes it can be as simple as a loose screw somewhere. But why the rollers on one side need to be lowered below .918 is strange.
It can’t be a .968 gauge can it?

Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

Jason, You’re on the right track, 20lb. copy paper is .004″. I think you should only need to adjust the number 4 bearings.

As is often the case, the problem may have more than one source. It’s still likely that one or more of the tie rods on the form roller frame are bent.

About the riders: I’ve lubricated them by dabbing Vaseline on the edge of card stock–and sometimes floss.

Also, this is inconsequential, but the oscillator tube should be rotated so that the worm gear is on the operator’s side. Obviously it works in either orientation, but when you can see it you’re more likely to lubricate it.

Eric Holub
13 years ago

It seems to me that the impression bearings should be set against the rails above them (while on impression), to keep the cylinder from lifting off on impression. The trip bearings should be set against the rails below them (while on trip), and since they control carriage height they also control roller height on trip. These may not be set in the proper direction or at the correct timing.
Once you get the impression bearings set correctly, re-set the roller height, then adjust the trip bearings until rollers ride at same level on both trip and print. Or, in practice, until close enough.
It is something that can drive you crazy.
The riders could use a small amount of lubrication, perhaps a drop of gear oil placed with a needle, at long intervals. Too much oil or a thin oil, and it will get into the ink train.

Eric Holub
13 years ago

Most riders are tubular steel; some may rotate on shafts (I think the No. 4 does) or stubs (Universals, and on some SPs they may use nyliners); others have caps with a journal protruding, and that is inserted into the side of the distributor frame. I don’t know what is on the 15-21. On the 219 series, the OS models have no bushings, and so the frame pieces themseves wear out. On the NS series, there are bronze bushings inserted in the frame to receive the rider journals. When those wear, the bushings can be presssed out and new bushings inserted.
For the riders to not turn freely, I’d think it was either lack of lubrication, or they are binding up from contact against the frame (and that could happen if it were warped or twisted), or buildup of dried ink.

Eric Holub
13 years ago

I’d start from the drum and work up the ink chain. A surface gauge set on the bed with Dial indicator on the drum can tell you if the drum is out of parallel with the bed. If that’s OK, why does the ink not transfer consistantly to the form rollers? Is there something that causes them to change position with carriage movement? Mis-set bearings, top or bottom, could affect this (at least on SPs and Universals, not sure how the 15-21 is designed) so I’d check with the roller gauge to see that the stripe is the same on trip and on print. Problems with distributors would be more common (twisted, worn, etc.) but ink should still transfer from drum to rear form no matter what else is happening.
The No. 4 does have an adjustment to skew the distributor frame, and if this has one too I’d check that. The distributor frame may also have worn bushings, which can let a distributor sag out of contact. By the time of the 15-21 they should have replaceable bronze bushings.

13 years ago

This could be another problem:

Is the your type on the pressbed locked properly and not too tight?
If it is locked too tight or the typesetting is not too accurate, the type could get lifted up at some point, which causes the bad inking at some areas.
That means: The impression just with the cylinder was enough to push the type down to the pressbed, which explains why you seem to have an even impression. As soon as the cylinder doesn’t touch the type anymore, it will get lifted up. The rollers might not have enough impression to push down the type…
Try losen the type, vibrate it down and do not lock it too tightly just for some testprints…
I dont want to tell you, that your typesetting is bad, its just a problem that sometimes might happen, especially with woodtype or lots of different fonts in the same block…

sure it could still be something with the press…

hope this helps.
good luck. dafi

Steve Robinson
13 years ago

If the cylinder carriage bearings are out of adjustment it is possible the far side is lifting slightly once impression is engaged and a sheet “squeezed” through. Have you checked the roller stripes with impression on?

The rider roller assembly could be skewed (they sometimes get dropped), have you placed it on your composing stone to determine how “true” the assembly is?

Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

The poor contact with the oscillator suggests that the rubber has shrunk. Use calipers to check the roller diameter, which should be 3″.

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