Hi all – –
I thought I’d offer up a link to some fun for your 3 day weekend.
In honor of Vandercook’s 100th, I put together a little papercraft version of my SP20 to share with everyone. Don’t know what papercraft is?
It’s this:
Make your own SP20 at any size you’re willing to print. Feeling crazy? Scale it up to 1370% and build it life-size! (Your individual impressional strength may vary).
Available as a PDF and an EPS file for infinite-scalability.
The files, larger photo, and legalese are all over at Baltimore Print Studios.
And for the very sharp-eyed, the model above was the prototype version of the final file.
And for the nerds, yes, I printed it on an SP20.
Have a great weekend!
What a great idea, thanks for sharing this.
To print one’s press — the ultimate tribute! Thanks, Kyle, for creating this astonishing project. Outstanding!
… by “easier” I actually meant “more conducive”.
The Uni 1 is even easier! No handle (potentially) and a more streamlined carriage.
Very cool, I’ll have to print one of these for them in trade!
Very cool, Kyle. This idea is in the air: Ampersand the journal of the Pacific Center for Book Arts will feature a papercraft Universal I in their upcoming Fall issue.
Awesome! This must’ve taken some time to make.
Print on greyish paper, add some blotches of oil and ink, and we could really get a working SP20 :-)
Again, awesome!