A Dutch advert, 1952

I found this advertisement of a repro-company in the 1952 Christmas issue of the Dutch Federation of Printers. They proudly announce the purchase of a second Vandercook proof press. The quote at the top of the advert is from an article that appeared earlier in a publication of the Amsterdam Typefoundry. In the article, the progress […]


Equipo más completo

Enrique Woolfolk sent this ad from the August-September 1958 issue of Las Artes Gráficas en México (Vol. XI,  No. 67), which he says was the Mexican version of The Inland Printer. This Spanish language trade journal has 23 entries in WorldCat. The most interesting bit of information in this ad may be the name of the selling agent: […]


Vandy art

Here is a nice illustration of a No. 4 Vandercook, with a split vibrator and riders, featured in a two page ad for ink manufacturer Interchemical Corporation. (The Inland Printer, September 1953, p.24-25, from the library of Fritz Klinke). Is anyone familar with the pen-stick ink applicator shown?

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