I found this advertisement of a repro-company in the 1952 Christmas issue of the Dutch Federation of Printers. They proudly announce the purchase of a second Vandercook proof press. The quote at the top of the advert is from an article that appeared earlier in a publication of the Amsterdam Typefoundry. In the article, the progress […]
MoreCategory: Advertising
Equipo más completo
Enrique Woolfolk sent this ad from the August-September 1958 issue of Las Artes Gráficas en México (Vol. XI, No. 67), which he says was the Mexican version of The Inland Printer. This Spanish language trade journal has 23 entries in WorldCat. The most interesting bit of information in this ad may be the name of the selling agent: […]
MoreOrigin of the modern proof press reconsidered
While looking for information on proof presses built by Harrild & Sons, better known for its iron hand presses, I asked Stephen O. Saxe, author of American Iron Hand Presses, what he knew about this British firm. In reply he scanned this page from a 1906 Harrild catalog, shown at left. This press features a […]
MorePatent Pages Premier
Terry Chouinard sent me this advertisement he saw in the BBS Specimen Book (No. 25) for a “Vandercook Gordon Press Vibrator.” He asked if Vandercook made any other equipment for production presses? Good question. After all, their presses were marketed as pre-press equipment. But nothing in the catalogs I’ve seen references anything like the Gordon […]
MoreNinth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950
I found this advertisement and saw the row of Vandercooks, they look like “32-28’s”:https://vandercookpress.info/years35-53.html#32-28.
MoreVandy art
Here is a nice illustration of a No. 4 Vandercook, with a split vibrator and riders, featured in a two page ad for ink manufacturer Interchemical Corporation. (The Inland Printer, September 1953, p.24-25, from the library of Fritz Klinke). Is anyone familar with the pen-stick ink applicator shown?
MorePresto proof press
Advertised in The Inland Printer (September 1953, p.119; it does not appear in previous or subsequent issues). This press features a reciprocating bed and a belt-driven oscillating roller. It may not have been put into production. Has anyone seen one of these? The manufacturer was based in Forth Worth, so perhaps one of our Texan friends? […]
MoreModel 17
This ad from The Inland Printer (October 1918, courtesy of John Horn) shows a Vandercook model 17 Composing Room Cylinder press and a Roller Series press. Note that the company, founded in 1909, is still called Vandercook Press. It was incorporated as Vandercook & Sons later that same year. The street address is for the […]