SP-20 Cylinder Wiggle

Hello – Ready for my daily SP-20 question? I truly appreciate all the shared knowledge and help I’ve received along the way. Anyway, a few days ago I noticed that I can wiggle the cylinder back and forth with out the cylinder moving down the bed. There is 1/16th to 1/8th of play before the […]


219 OS eccentric and rail questions

Hello- I’ve posted on Briar Press regarding some inking problems I was having with my 219 OS and have emailed/spoken with a few of you about these problems, but I have some additional questions that I thought best asked here. Currently, the carriage seems absurdly tight and heavy. At some point earlier it felt heavy, […]


SP-15 Cylinder Carriage Bearings Issues

I undertook the arduous task of adjusting the 6 cylinder carriage bearings on my SP15, after still experiencing uneven inking and impression with newly recovered rollers. Thanks especially to Gerald’s comprehensive “Adjusting Cylinder Carriage Bearings” article, without which I never would have undertaken the ordeal: https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/articles/lange-adj/ And with Fritz’s recently found comments within Paul’s “Common […]


SP-15 carriage problem

We have recently begun having an intermittent problem with our SP-15. After printing, when the cylinder is returning to home position, it hits some obstruction about 12″ away from the feed board that causes a jolt and a significant bang. It doesn’t do this all the time (maybe 1 in every 4-5 print passes), and […]


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