Vandercook 219 New Style infrequently does not stay in trip mode on return to feed board, the operator must very slowly return the cylinder to the feedboard. Examining the ‘Cylinder Carriage’ spec sheet on the owner’s manual suggests that the ‘ (X-2884) Connecting Rod Assembly’ with its 8 ‘(X-3602) set screw(s) with lock washer and […]
MoreCategory: Cylinder Eccentric
Challenge 15MP been in storage for 40 years
I have recently lucked onto a Challenge 15MP that is lightly used and been stored in a dry building for 40 years. It has some light surface rust but nothing that fine steel wool can’t take care of. Everything moves and ball bearings seem to be fine. Here’s my question: can I adequately clean and […]
MoreDesperately seeking a solution to a mystery (Cylinder Jamming)
I have a Vandercook 219. Not sure but I think NS (1957). It prints like a dream, or did until this afternoon. The rolling cylinder suddenly started to hang up about 3 inches into the forme. So the first few inches of the forme prints, but then the cylinder meets profound resistance, as if something […]
MoreNo. 4 Print/Trip Assembly
I just started working with a friend’s No. 4 press. It prints great and seems like a really solid machine. The machinery used to lower the impression cylinder from trip to print during the print stroke then back up to trip for the return to the feed table seems very different compared to the SP […]
MoreVandercook 320G not staying engaged in Print
Hi. I’m hoping someone here can help me figure this out! I am printing on a Vandercook 320G, and I’m having trouble with it staying engaged in PRINT. Is it possible to over oil it? The bar that runs in front of the cylinder that rotates as it engages into print, (sorry I don’t know […]
MoreFabricating Replacement SP-15 Impression Cylinder
I’m considering grabbing an SP-15 press but, like many presses out there, getting it into running order will require some TLC. The press bed, cylinder rack, bed bearers, under rails, gripper pedal, trip latch & rail along the bed, steel cabinet, and feed table all check out and seem to need nothing more than heavy […]
MoreAbout to embark on cylinder carriage adjustment-Universal III AB
The symptom: The top of the bed has less impression. At first I thought maybe the adjustable bed could be at fault, but a level revealed it pretty even from top to bottom center, but the operator side corner top appears to actually rise, in complete contradiction to my problem of less impression at the […]
MoreSP-20 Cylinder Wiggle
Hello – Ready for my daily SP-20 question? I truly appreciate all the shared knowledge and help I’ve received along the way. Anyway, a few days ago I noticed that I can wiggle the cylinder back and forth with out the cylinder moving down the bed. There is 1/16th to 1/8th of play before the […]
MoreSP-20 roller height problem
I’m having trouble with inconsistent roller height on my SP-20. I’ve set them to type high using my gauge. When I move the cylinder a few more inches down the bed, the rollers are now above height and no longer contact the gauge. When I roll it back towards the dead bar, the return to […]
More219 OS eccentric and rail questions
Hello- I’ve posted on Briar Press regarding some inking problems I was having with my 219 OS and have emailed/spoken with a few of you about these problems, but I have some additional questions that I thought best asked here. Currently, the carriage seems absurdly tight and heavy. At some point earlier it felt heavy, […]
MoreSP-15 Cylinder Carriage Bearings Issues
I undertook the arduous task of adjusting the 6 cylinder carriage bearings on my SP15, after still experiencing uneven inking and impression with newly recovered rollers. Thanks especially to Gerald’s comprehensive “Adjusting Cylinder Carriage Bearings” article, without which I never would have undertaken the ordeal: And with Fritz’s recently found comments within Paul’s “Common […]
MoreSP-15 carriage problem
We have recently begun having an intermittent problem with our SP-15. After printing, when the cylinder is returning to home position, it hits some obstruction about 12″ away from the feed board that causes a jolt and a significant bang. It doesn’t do this all the time (maybe 1 in every 4-5 print passes), and […]