I have been studying the directions in various posts and articles regarding adjusting the cylinder carriage bearings and was hoping for clarification on a couple points. First, on a Universal III, which bearing set are the impression bearings (x-12216) and which are the trip bearings (x-2688)? It seems that the lower set which ride on […]
MoreCategory: Universal series
moving my Universal I
Possible Carriage Problems (Uni I)?
Okay, so it a simple 2 color business cards. A newbie could do this is an hour. But Nooooo. Using polymer plates, we ran the black, then matched up the red plate PERFECTLY on the Boxcar Press base. And guess what? Nothing lines up. So we adjust the plate on the base and run another […]
MoreUniversal 1 Motor Questions
Hello all — In the middle of a big job this weekend, my Universal 1 Power started making a persistent new noise –something between a chatter and a squeak. The noise occurs as the carriage is moving, a little more on the return. The noise occurs whether the motor is driving the carriage or whether […]
MoreMoving a Universal I
I will be bringing a Universal I from its long exile in Florida back to its land of origin, Illinois. Any suggestions on prepping it for the move other than securing the cylinder so it doesn’t roll? Thanks, Rob
MoreUni I motor & chain
The motor/chain on my Uni I recently started getting louder. I applied some serious grease and it seemed to quiet a bit, but not much. I also noticed the rollers aren’t distributing ink thoroughly on one end (closest to the chain). I experimented with raising and lowering the roller height and it doesn’t make much […]
MoreUNI III Missing parts
Hi – I am missing the friction fingers (X-21714), and I want to understand the function. Also, the UNI I parts list has a friction spring (X-21715) listed. I am guessing that this was dropped on the UNI III as it does not appear in my UNI III manual. or is the Vandercook technical writing team again doing […]
MorePresses stored in Barns
Three colors down on a four color job. My latest Vandercook, a Universal I with all the whistles and bells, including power cylinder, is chuggin’ right along. During the washup the oscillator locks up. Well @#$%^! a broken crescent in the worm gear. It’s been a long time since I removed one from a Universal […]
MoreUniversal III P just stopped
First, I’m looking for someone in the general vicinity of Delaware that can troubleshoot and possibly repair an automatic Vandercook Universal III. Know anyone? If not, is there some kind of electrician I might try contacting. Obviously, I need more than someone to hook up a 3-phase here. We were running our III the other […]
MoreUniversal III Register Rack Question
We are cleaning up a newly acquired UNI IIIP, and have noticed something which is disturbing. Under the register rack (X-2831), is a shim that looks approximately 2pts thick and resides nearest the feed table. A smaller shim is at the end nearest the floating rack. We are assuming that these have been put in place to solve a […]
MoreI locked up my Uni I
I was running some small posters yesterday on my Uni I AB. Things were going smoothly until the powered carriage was moving towards the end of the bed and got stuck midway. It just stopped. I run it pretty slowly so it wasn’t a very sudden stop it just was rolling along and then wasn’t. […]
Good Day Vanderbloggers, I have recently acquired a “fixer-upper” UNI-1 needing everything related to the inking on the press including the drum, oscillating roller, rider and assembly, the form roller blocks, levers etc. I am looking for a parts machine (long shot) or will begin to fab what I need. I have contacted the usual […]