Uni I motor & chain

The motor/chain on my Uni I recently started getting louder. I applied some serious grease and it seemed to quiet a bit, but not much. I also noticed the rollers aren’t distributing ink thoroughly on one end (closest to the chain). I experimented with raising and lowering the roller height and it doesn’t make much […]


Presses stored in Barns

Three colors down on a four color job. My latest Vandercook, a Universal I with all the whistles and bells, including power cylinder, is chuggin’ right along. During the washup the oscillator locks up. Well @#$%^! a broken crescent in the worm gear. It’s been a long time since I removed one from a Universal […]



Good Day Vanderbloggers, I have recently acquired a “fixer-upper” UNI-1 needing everything related to the inking on the press including the drum, oscillating roller, rider and assembly, the form roller blocks, levers etc. I am looking for a parts machine (long shot) or will begin to fab what I need. I have contacted the usual […]


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