[This post deserves a second look–PM] I have recently rebuilt a Uni-III Power and was perplexed when I could not satisfactorily adjust the “braking” of the carriage at either end of travel. I adjusted the clutch to book spec, checked the micro switches, contacts and rheostat, all were functioning properly. With no other known adjustment […]
MoreCategory: Universal series
Vandercook Uni I motor help
I had my motor rebuilt and put it in the press today, however, like an idiot I didn’t take a photo of the wiring. I need help with wiring this back up. I have attached photos of the wiring. If anyone can help please contact me here or offline at casey@inkylipspress.com. The pink circles are […]
MoreOil level on Universal I Power carriage motor
My Universal I Power carriage motor has been leaking oil for the three years I have owned it so I finally took it apart and fixed the leak. After reassembling the motor I filled it with oil but I am unsure how high the oil should be. Should I fill it to the screw on […]
MoreUniversal 1 hand trip issue
Hi all, I have been talking to Fritz and trying to figure out why the Universal 1 hand press I own always wants to flip back to Print and not stay on Trip. I can hold the Trip/Print handle on Trip and it will stay in Trip mode, but as soon as I let go […]
MoreUniversal II- Cylinder won’t lock at feedboard.
My Universal II has all of a sudden stopped locking when it returns to the feedboard. Therefore when I press the trip pedal nothing happens (grippers don’t move) and it makes a sharp ‘bang’ noise releasing the tension of the pedal… Thoughts? Trip spring? Please help. Thanks, Adrian
MoreVandercook Univ. I: spring issues (the part, not the season)
I think I might now what the prob is, but wanted to hear what others think. The spring under the latch that holds the cylinder back and in place that is not the original spring. I faked it with a purchase from a hardware store 7-9 years ago. Well, it seems that its time has […]
MoreUniversal I gear and rack wear
I have a question about a Universal I hand press. The problem first became noticeable after setting the rollers to the correct height and printing for a while. The back inking roller gear will sometimes jump off the track when in print mode and make a terrible sound. We were able to replicate the problem […]
MoreUniversal 1 powered carriage drive clutch question
folks – We have a Vandercook Universal-1 with a powered carriage. I am having a little trouble getting the drive clutch adjusted properly and I was hoping that I could get some help from other powered-carriage Vandercook owners out there. The clutch is attached (as you might expect) between the drive motor and gear that […]
MoreUniversal I P bumper contact
Last week I was looking at a plain (no frisket) power Universal I AB which was running erratically; turns out the driving gear had loosened and was binding against the housing that covers it. Then we tried to readjust the clutch according to the manual. But when there is just enough clutch friction to pass […]
MoreSleepless in Savannah
Hello. I have been searching tirelessly for a Vandercook Proof Press (preferably #3 or #4, Universal or SP) in working condition to purchase for use in a printing job I am working on. I would greatly appreciate and advice or suggestions that I can get to help me find one. Thank you.
MoreUni I Bullet Catch?
Can anyone provide a picture and approximate dimensions of the bullet catch that holds up the ink distribution rollers for cleaning on a Uni I? Ours has gone a-miss and I have a VERY KIND friend willing to machine us a new one–but I have no idea what it looks like!
MoreUniversal III forward / reverse switches
Does anyone have a working forward / backward switches for a Universal III they would be willing to sell? I also need the microswitch that is on the lower backside of the press closest to the feedboard, but this doesn’t seem quite as critical. Any help would be appreciated. Ray Nichols / Lead Graffiti