press inspector’s name on my Uni II also showing the type height the press is machined for
MoreCategory: Universal series
Universal 1 AB Hand ink drum wobbly
Hi All, I read the posts in the Vanderblog archives about SP15 ink drums wobbling because of a broken plastic gear or shorn off screws. Is it the same fix or different on a Uni 1 AB? On our Uni 1 AB, while printing we noticed that the lower steel ink drum was not inking […]
MoreUniversal I AB – Power Carriage Fuse Problem
I’ve been working on a thorough clean-up of my Uni I which was very grimy and dirty. I’ve already tore down and cleaned the adjustable bed which was frozen. That went smoothly thanks to the fine documentation from previous posts. Currently, I am dealing with a problem of immediately blowing a fuse when I put […]
MoreVandercook decals for Uni I?
Hi all, Does anyone have, or now where I can track down a decal/sticker for my Uni I AB. The one I ma after is the oval one on the front left of the cabinet. Failing that has anyone evr produce a good high res bitmap or vector file of this decal that I can […]
Moretechnical documentation universal II
hi today i bought a vandercook universal II, serial no. 19742, im looking for the user manual , thepress is in very good condition . does this press have an adjustible hight, or should the hight for printing be adjusted in an other way documentation can be sent to first reaction i got from […]
MoreVandercook Universal III Tower Assembly for sale
This Vandercook Universal III tower assembly is complete and in excellent condition. We have removed it to convert the press to hand cranked. This would be best used on a press which once had a tower but has had it removed, otherwise you will need to make slight modifications to your press to allow it […]
MoreUniversal I back rubber roller and gear backwards?
I was using a friend’s Universal I press today when I noticed I was getting a lot of slurring and that the rollers weren’t rotating at all when I was printing or tripping. They were dragging across the surface of the plate without rotating. I looked up the manual and am wondering now if the […]
MoreNew record
I think this one set a new Vandercook record. $10,100.53 Looks like a nice press. I’d love to have that adjustable bed.
MoreUni I roller squeal
I am having an issue with our Uni I—it has a squeaky rider roller. I took a look at an old post, ‘Inking Roller Squeal,’ and that was helpful, but I have an additional question. The black knob at the end of the rider is loose, but when it is held in place, the squealing […]
MoreUni III Power motor query
Dear Vandekin I am in Memphis cleaning & repairing two Vandercooks, a 4 and a Uni III. The operator of the III tells me the motor jumps (or rather jolts) itself randomly during a press run and there appears to be a little bit of slack in the chain. I tested it out and sure […]
MorePaper Towers
I scanned the assembly print for the Universal IV paper tower the other day for a customer and thought it may be of some interest. Though for the IV, it applies to the other Universals except for such things as tube length, shaft length, and the main spring (same in III and IV). These assembly […]
MoreUni-I Roller Gear Question
Hi Folks, I have a question about the roller-gear for a Universal-I. I recently purchased a pair of new cores/rollers for a Uni-I. However, when they arrived I noticed the new cores are different from the existing cores/rollers, and thus the old roller-gear cannot fit to the new cores. The old core is hollow and […]