Chattering and Carriage drifting on Vandercook No. 4

I am working on a Vandercook No. 4. The carriage does just fine engaging in print and trip. However, the carriage will not stay put in the home position. On the opposite side of the operator, there is a broken spring that is keeping a latch in place. I wonder if there is more to this repair than this spring? I hope this makes sense! I have only done this repair once before under instruction.

Our other issue is the form roller furthest from the ink drum seems to move out of sync with the other roller. It does not seem level and I do believe that is the roller that is chattering.

Any advice would be amazing and greatly appreciated!

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
Paul Moxon, Moderator
3 months ago

A temporary fix for flattened pins or divots in the clutch plate is to add a shim between the MS-264 cam and the form roller rack. Remove extra shims after installing new pins or the plate.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
Paul Moxon, Moderator
3 months ago

To hold the carriage at the feedboard you need to replace the QRS-6 spring. Simple dimple.

Chatter is due to a combination of wear on the MR-110 Clucth pins and the MB-104 Clutch plate.

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