Mystery SP15 spare parts

The previous owner of my SP15 left a small bag of spare parts in the cabinet, I post a photo below. The springs at top left are straightforward, the bottom left piece appears to be a damaged wiper spring, the piece above it a leftover trip spring but the 2 pairs of flat bars and the pair of curved parts with small nylon wheels puzzle me.

I see a reference inset photo showing a ‘starwheel assembly X-21126’ as well as a ‘starwheel X-12930 & pin X-16895’ on page 281 of the Vandercook SP15 manual, but the photo is of such poor quality, being a multiple generation photocopy, that I can’t identify what I’m looking at. They seem like they would clip on a set of bars or pins, and the wheels remind me of guides on a paper delivery system on an offset press, something that goes on the cylinder assembly somehow?

Any info on what these starwheels and small bars are meant to do and where to install them is heartily welcome, if they are in fact SP15 parts?

Can I be the only SP15 owner bemoaning the fact that there is no better reference material available for this press? All I got from the previous owner were a handful of poor quality copies, a portion of which I suspect he himself found online on the Boxcar site.

Fritz, if you read this and have an actual original printed copy of an SP15 manual, I know of at least 312 people you could make very happy (listed in this site’s Vandercook Census) if you had good quality scans made of the pertinent pages and sold these as laser copies or easier still, PDFs online. I would happily pay for these, as I suspect many other SP15 owners would…

Thanks everyone, Yvon

SP15 mystery spare parts




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Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

I think the part you are calling a wiper spring is actually a stiffener (X-24901) for a phenolic sheet finger (X-23723, see Sheet 281-A.

The wiper spring (X-20757) doesn’t have a hole nor project above the holder, see sheet 283-A. But it works, nu?

Paul Moxon, Moderator
13 years ago

For the benefit other other SP15 operators, the two short coil springs on the left are the lower springs (X-13020) for roller support assembly. See manual Sheet 283-A

The two longer springs (ARS-5) on the right used in two places: a) to connect trip arms (X-20804) that activate the plungers, see Sheets 247 and 282-A; and b) used to hold the geared form roller down, see Sheet 283-A.

I can’t ID the four piece of flat sheet on the lower right at the moment.

Ray Nichols
13 years ago

Link to SP-15 manual and parts list can be downloaded from Boxcar Press at

Ray Nichols
13 years ago

The two parts with the plastic parts are “star wheels.” They clip on the two round bars just in front of the cylinder away from the feed board. You’d like to position them so the don’t hit the ink as the print is made, but they are intended to hold the paper away from the inking rollers as the print is made.

The plastic part is at the bottom toward the cylinder.

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