Problem with new rollers

I recently sent out an extra pair of SP-15 cores to be resurfaced. On receiving the new rollers, I transferred over the roller blocks/bearings and adjusted the height, but the rollers are not taking the ink well, it is streaking as if the rollers were skipping over the drum (the ink coverage on the drum and oscillating rollers looks normal). I have cleaned up the press and tried again several times but there is no improvement. I ended up putting my old rollers back on for the time being, and they work as well as always; they do need replacing but as far as inking up there is no issue.

I’ve spoken to the owner of the roller company and he says he has not encountered a problem like this. The rollers are very firm; my durometer shows a reading of A27 and it’s my understanding that A25 is optimal for photopolymer plates, but he says this is his standard and in any case it shouldn’t cause the problem I’m having.

When I have some downtime, I will try them again, but wanted to ask before doing so for any thoughts or advice.



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Paul Moxon, Moderator
7 months ago

I wonder if the rubber is too far toward the operator side causing them to ride high on the drum cam. Could you upload another photo showing the full rollers contacting the ink drum?

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