SP20 Issue After Print

Hi all,

I’m working with an SP20 and after I run through a print to the end of the bed and roll back to the feed board I hit some resistance about 6 inches before returning the cylinder the entire way back. Here is a video: IMG_0760

I’ve checked the screws and bolts I can see but cannot figure out what is causing the issue. Any help is appreciated!

Thank you,


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Paul Moxon, Moderator
2 years ago

No apologies needed. I’m sure someone else will have the same issue. Documenting problems is what this forum is all about.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
2 years ago

Try shifting the print/trip lever to trip then continue on to the feed board.
There are a few different causes for this:
-lack of oiling can make the cylinder eccentrics not shift easily
– trip plungers on the side of the bed next to the ink drum gunked up, see sheet 244-A
– trip roller is missing
– trip spring is broken, the serial number determines whether leaf or coil spring is used.
Does the impression cylinder look to be at an angle in the carriage?

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