Unknown spring

This spring came with my No. 4 in the miscellaneous parts in one of the drawers. At first I thought it was a bumper spring (because I am indeed missing the two far side of the bed bumper springs), but then I compared it to the feed table side bumper springs, and it’s definitely not one of them.

Does anyone have any idea where this belongs or if it belongs at all to my No. 4?


Thanks a lot!

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

Yes, that diameter is way to big. It looked smaller in your initial photo. Well it may not be Vandy after all.

As for your bumper springs, until you can get replacements, try swapping blocks so that you have one spring on each end, e.g. operator side at feed board and far side at end of bed.

Paul Moxon, Moderator
11 years ago

I think this is a carriage latch spring (X-11022) for a Universal or SP.
The No. 4 uses QRS-6, which is smaller in diameter and a bit shorter.
Compare to the spring in your press and let us know.

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