I have a Reprex proof press with old, burned out wiring that needs to be replaced. Can any old electrician do this, or does it need to be someone familiar with presses? Thanks for any input or insight you may have.
MoreCategory: Reprex
Reprex ll-No impression?
A couple of months back, I took off the gear racks, one side at a time and cleaned off 40 years of ink, grime and paper dust. All are back on in exactly the same position and tightened down with hex head screws. Nothing was dis-assembled from the roller carriage. Now, when the carriage in […]
MoreEdward J. Nolan
Edward J. Nolan (1907-1983) was an RIT-trained engineer who founded both the Nolan Corporation, maker of Nolan proof presses, and later the United States Forge and Foundry Co., the maker of Reprex proof presses. The Nolan Corp., based in Rome, NY, made composing room and bindery equipment for the newspaper industry. They also built food […]
MoreManufacturing date of Reprex Presses
Most of the owners of a Reprex Press have said they can’t find any serial numbers. But if you want to know when yours was made, the date is stamped on the press. The month, year, and day are stamped on the top near the end of the backside rail. See attached photo. I hope […]
MoreReprex not releasing paper!
I know there are a few of you with Reprex presses. Our press has stop releasing the paper at the end of the impression. It is hitting the release spring and the bumper. Even doing it 2 or 3 times doesn’t matter. The schematics and instructions are minimal help. Anyone have a solution?
MoreOther Brands
As a result of publicizing the gains of the Vandercook census, owners of other brands of cylinder proof presses have volunteered their data and have also alerted me to the existence of additional owners. In particular the “Asbern”:https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/asbern/ and “Challenge”:https://vandercookpress.info/vanderblog/challenge/ censuses have begun to take shape.
MoreReprex Once-over
Scott Fisk, designer, educator, and vanderblog consultant, just bought a Reprex, a 1960s era down-market flatbed cylinder proof press. Its overall condition is quite good and it should prove to be serviceable. Its mechanisms, however, may seem a bit peculiar to most Vandercook operators. For example, the reservoir drum, while driven by a chain, also […]