Hi! I teach at a university that has a Vandercock SP20. I am looking for advice on how (if anyway possible) to alleviate uneven inking due to small pits in a press bed. We have a thin sheet of metal over the press bed to create the proper printing height, but we are still having […]
MoreCategory: Press Bed
Vandercook 4 bed height issue
We are still working on getting our 4 up and running. On first attempt at adjusting the rollers, we were able to get the adjustment screws to lower the rollers to type high on the operator side of the carriage, but the other side will not lower enough to touch the roller gauge. The gears […]
MoreUniversal I Under Rails Rebuild
Hatch Show Print, with the help of the venerable Dave Seat, had rebuilt the worn out under rails on their hand-cranked Vandercook Universal I. Worn out under rails yield uneven impression and the inability to maintain registration. Wear is caused by excessive pressure due to these conditions: 1) an unleveled press; 2) grime buildup on the cylinder bearers, bed bearers, […]
MoreGalley Height Bed Plate
Hi Vanderblog, I’m looking for advice on buying a cold-rolled steel galley height bed plate for a Vandercook No. 4. I ordered an 18 gauge cold-rolled stainless steel from Online Metals which was perfect except that it has a noticeable curve which makes it bounce when sitting on the bed. This makes setting the rollers […]
MorePrinting forms over type high
This question comes via email: Q: Is the Vandercook letterpress capable of printing forms larger than type high? I have a woodblock that I’ve carved, and it is about 1/8″ higher than the type. A: It is possible only if you have a press equipped with an adjustable bed (e.g: 219 AB, 15-21, Universal I […]
MorePress inspector
press inspector’s name on my Uni II also showing the type height the press is machined for
MoreGravity press & 4 T problem
The Gravity Press census seems like a great idea. I have a Number 0, Serial number 07756, supposedly made in 1953. But it is my 4T that I need help with. After finally getting all the parts right, new electrical cord and switch, etc., it did not print evenly across the width of the bed. […]
MoreImprovised photopolymer bases
I was recently asked about a homemade photopolymer base I use at The Arm and thought it would be of value to post the reply here where it might be of use to others. “The base you saw at The Arm was an acrylic base with an aluminum surface laminated to it. It works okay, […]
MoreDoes anyone need a new bed plate?
I am about to have replacement bed plates made up for both of my Vandercook 320Gs and my #3 and will have enough of the .050″ cold rolled steel to make one extra bed plate. Would anyone like to buy one for either of these presses? The price will be fair. Contact me for details. […]
MoreSP-15 maximum sheet size?
Hello, I posted once previously regarding the SP-15 I recently bought and have been cleaning up. This is taking longer than I thought but it is looking better! Meanwhile I’ve been reading and enjoying learning about the press. I am somewhat confused, however, about the maximum sheet size which is listed as 14-3/4 x 20 […]
MoreGalley Height?
I recently purchased a Vandercook #3. I have used Vandercooks in the past but it has been some time. I was struck by the phrase “galley height” and was wondering what it means exactly. The information that I have found on this press refers to a bed plate that comes with the press. I will […]
MoreUniversal III Dead Bar Fabrication
I am about to have a replacement dead bar made up for one of my Universal IIIs and the original I am using as a pattern has a raised center block. Does this block serve any function? Should I include it in the reproduction or would I be wasting time and money? Does anyone else […]