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thomas gravemaker
13 years ago

Ray, as I already pointed out to Greg in an e-mail to him, buying a roller gauge in the States doesn’t help him at all, as the press is milled to French height. I had a roller gauge (French height) made here in Europe and have some extra available. I invited Greg to my workshop, he can have a look at the lock up bars that I’ve got with my Universal I and the roller gauge as well.

Ray Nichols
13 years ago

One more. Here is a photo of that rigid lockup bar (bottom of the photo) on our Universal III. The press has half cylinders cut out of the side of the bed frame and the lockout bar fits into that. I get the sense that the one we have was made later than the press.

Ray Nichols
13 years ago

I thought I corrected the second paragraph in the description before posting it.

What would be perfect is to go to a machine shop and have them take a metal rod that is about 1/4″ wider than the holes and make a step down that is the size of the hole. You would need it to be 3/4″ or so (cannot be high enough to hit the ink rollers) above the hole and then go down into the hole maybe 1″. Measure down into the holes to see how far they can go

I think that description makes more sense. And just to be absolutely clear, I’m adding a drawing.

Ray Nichols
13 years ago

If your SP-15 is like ours it has two holes indicated in the accompanying photograph.

What would be perfect is to go to a machine ship and have them make two plugs that will go down into the hole and have about 1/4″ wider then the whole and then a step-down that is the size of the whole. It should stick up about 3/4″. You need to look down into the holes and see how deep the plug can be and then make it a little shorter.

Then have the machine shop make you a bar that is maybe 1″ wide, 3/4″ deep (or as deep as metal furniture), and JUST narrower than the width of the bed of the press.

While a little more trouble to lock up things you could have them make two of the metal bars and then just put a piece of furniture between them at the outside edges to take up most of the space.

We have both kinds of lockup bars on our Universal III and we most often use the one I’m suggesting above. On larger printing areas there is at least the chance of slipping with the regular lockup bar. No way is it going to slip the other way.

. . .

On your roller height gauge, you can get them at NA Graphics. If they have a problem mailing to France, I would buy one for you and ship it for you, if you would be willing to pay for everything upfront.


Price is $36.75 plus shipping to me and then shipping to you.

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