Print your own Press!

Hi all – –

I thought I’d offer up a link to some fun for your 3 day weekend.

In honor of Vandercook’s 100th, I put together a little papercraft version of my SP20 to share with everyone. Don’t know what papercraft is?

It’s this:

Papercraft Prototype

Make your own SP20 at any size you’re willing to print. Feeling crazy? Scale it up to 1370% and build it life-size! (Your individual impressional strength may vary).

Available as a PDF and an EPS file for infinite-scalability.

The files, larger photo, and legalese are all over at Baltimore Print Studios.

And for the very sharp-eyed, the model above was the prototype version of the final file.
And for the nerds, yes, I printed it on an SP20.

Have a great weekend!

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Casey McGarr
14 years ago


What a great idea, thanks for sharing this.


Barbara Hauser
14 years ago

To print one’s press — the ultimate tribute! Thanks, Kyle, for creating this astonishing project. Outstanding!


Paul Moxon, Moderator
14 years ago

Very cool, Kyle. This idea is in the air: Ampersand the journal of the Pacific Center for Book Arts will feature a papercraft Universal I in their upcoming Fall issue.

Thomas Hardjono
14 years ago

Awesome! This must’ve taken some time to make.

Print on greyish paper, add some blotches of oil and ink, and we could really get a working SP20 :-)

Again, awesome!



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