Vandy 4 Ink Drum Rotation

At Skyline Type Foundry we’re well along in the complete restoration of No. 4, serial 16797, rescued last year from 40 years in a junkyard.  Just now at the point of installing a new motor, and I realized that I don’t know which direction the ink drum should rotate, and therefore how to wire the motor.  Mechanically it makes no difference and I suppose the press would be functional either way.  But my guess is that the ink drum rotates CCW so that the form rollers will  rotate CW, which is the same way they will go when you begin to roll the cylinder.  If someone could just switch on their motor and let me know, I can (ahem) press on.  Thanx!

Sky Shipley

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Paul Moxon, Moderator
7 years ago

You are correct, sir.

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