A Wesel Down Under

This rare Wesel proof press, in Australia, has been brought to my attention by its owner Josh Dobija of Dobija Print World. It appears to be the “Self-feeding Self-Inking Web Proof Press,” made by F. Wesel Manufacturing Co., circa 1888-1903. Wesel was an early innovator of flatbed cylinder proof presses whose sophisticated equipment predated Vandercook. […]

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Worm Crescent Special

Fritz Klinke and NA Graphics just announced a new shipment of Vandercook crescents (CS-23) for oscillator worm gears. Normally $41.00 each, NA is offering a special sale price of three crescents for $100.00. He has named this deal after me as I have been telling students and clients for years to have spare crescents on hand for […]

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325G For Sale in Denver

Private seller offering a Vandercook 325G for $11,000. Rollers are 3 years old, excellent condition. Equipped with ink fountain, custom-made photopolymer magnetic base,  Blanchard ground to be flat. Several backup plates. A 325 was a newspaper proof press. This one is hand cranked and instead of a motor and ink drum the rollers (behind the carriage […]

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Patience, Please

My apologies to all new and longtime registrants who have experienced difficulty logging in to vanderblog. When not travelling for workshops and press tune ups, I have been testing anti registration-bot plugins (apps) to rid this site of fake email accounts attempting to register. This is a war that runs hot and cold, but never seems to end. […]

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