In solidarity with Small Business Saturday (November 24), I am offering a $10 off discount on my book Vandercook Presses through Saturday. Order now.
MoreAuthor: Paul Moxon, Moderator
Bowne & Co. Recovers from Hurricane Sandy
The historic 19th-century printing museum at Manhattan’s South Street Seaport sustained floodwater damage caused by the late October superstorm. Since then, museum staff and volunteers have made progress to restore the collections. See their effort in this YouTube video:
MoreVandercook & Company Engravers
Revised. Author and printing historian Stephen O. Saxe sent me this advertisement he found in the June 1890 (and following) issues of The Printers’ Album, the house publication of Schniedewend & Lee, a printing equipment manufacturer in Chicago.* Vandercook & Company was operated by H.R. Vandercook and F.N. Tucker, circa 1880-1910. It was a separate business from […]
MoreNew Troubleshooting Page
I’ve posted a new troubleshooting page tabulating common presswork problems. Check it out and let me know what needs correcting and what should be added.
MoreNew press “Value” page added
I’ve created a new—and perhaps overdue—page offering guidance on press value. Note that I am not providing price ranges. While I do some brokering of presses and keep my ear to the ground, I don’t have the time or inclination to tabulate sales and continually update this page. Buyers and seller are best served by doing […]
MoreMaintenance Book Reprinted
My book Vandercook Presses: Maintenance, History and Resources has been reprinted and is available for immediate shipping. Order Info.
MorePotter manual?
I had an inquiry for a manual for a Potter No. 3. Does anyone have one or know someone who might? I did direct this person to the Potter census and to ATF catalog pages posted on the old site.
MoreGrafix Proof Press
Revised. Thomas Gravemaker sent these photos of a German-made Grafix proof press used during a recent four day event at Officina Tipografica Novepunti in Besano, Italy. The fourth photo below shows a cylinder trip assembly similar to a Vandercook Universal (1958-76) or a No. 4 (1935-1960). Some Grafix models have an adjustable press bed. The manufacturer Haas & […]
MoreEquipo más completo
Enrique Woolfolk sent this ad from the August-September 1958 issue of Las Artes Gráficas en México (Vol. XI, No. 67), which he says was the Mexican version of The Inland Printer. This Spanish language trade journal has 23 entries in WorldCat. The most interesting bit of information in this ad may be the name of the selling agent: […]
MoreOn the road
I have several Vandercook maintenance classes scheduled through June. Details and locations on the workshops page.
MoreTot ziens … ciao
Lorenzo Pellegrinelli, of Niemand Private Press in Milan, sent a link to this video of a No.3 old style Vandercook being offloaded from a truck by crane. This is the same press (sn: 7870) that was up for auction in The Netherlands in September. The feed board does not appear to exist.
MoreThis site under attack All’s well again!
Access will be restored soon. Thanks for advice and assistance from Scott Fisk, Brian Goodman and Enrique Woolvolk.