Hello everyone. Could someone please tell me what could be causing this uneven spread of ink on the ink drum? Could it be the press leveling? I’m not sure it is 100% level. I’m also attaching some photos of my refinished oscillator and rider rollers. I think they definitely improved the inking, I didn’t refinish […]
MoreCategory: Oscillator/Worm Gear
Rattling Rollers
I was operating my Vandercook 320 and all of the sudden, the metal rollers began rattling out of control either while in print or trip mode. The rollers are shaking about so much that they’ve even been tossed off of the rubber roller carriage at times. I’ve tried oiling the press, tightening screws, but nothing […]
MoreVibrator worm lubrication
Hello, There’s a squeaking noise happening when my SP15 vibrator heads toward the non-operator’s side of the press. I have plenty of vaseline on the worm on both sides. I suspect my press isn’t level. Should I take the vibrator off and attempt to clean the worm, or try to level the press first? Thank […]
MoreUpdate: Found —Wanted: Worm gear and collar
Hi guys, I’m in the process of building a new oscillator for my SP15 and the machinist is already in the process of making the oscillator cylinder, and the shaft. He told me though, that making the worm gear is out of his possibilities with the machinery he has. He said that it would probably […]
MoreHelp! I can’t get this screw out of my SP-15!
Hi All! This screw in the vibrator assembly of my SP-15, a screw which my manual tells me is properly know as the Crescent Holder, is stuck. It has been three days now soaking in alternating baths of WD-40 and PB Blaster, and it still won’t budge. It’s purpose is to insert the Crescent into […]
MoreSP-15 – Need Large Stainless Inking Roller
Thanks to all who replied to my query about disassembling my SP-15 before moving it. Both those who replied here and those who replied via email have convinced me that I need to leave the press assembled. Today I made progress getting the C&P 8×12 on skids, so I can get it out of the […]
MoreLimit vibrator movement for split fountain work
I was wondering if there’s any safe way to limit the amount the vibrator oscillates on the Vandercook 4? It’s for a business card logo about an inch wide… Thank you.
MoreResurfacing our SP-15 ink drum roller
Maybe five years ago we bought our Vandercook SP-15 off eBay. When it got here the one major problem was that the ink drum was quite scratched from the automatic cleaning bar that scraped the ink off it. Lately we’ve been having trouble printing evenly with it and started to deduce that it might be […]
MoreOscillator swap between No. 4 & SP15
Enrique asked me if he could use a No.4 oscillator on his SP15. The answer is yes. The tubes are the same diameter (3¾”) and the worm gear is the same part (DR-338), but the shaft and tube length of the SP15 is longer (13″) than the No. 4 (12½”). While the No. 4 […]
More215 Vibrator Issues
The vibrator has been pausing and jumping, so last night I took it apart to see if anything was broken on the crescent or worm gear. Didn’t find any problems, but I cleaned everything and greased it thoroughly before reassembly. Tried it this morning with no ink and it still hesitates at some points in […]
MoreHelp with ink distribution roller Challenge 21MP
Hi folks! I’m hoping that your collective knowledge can help with a Ink Distribution Roller issue. I have a Challenger 21MP. I’ve restored it and it is in great shape….except for the Ink Distribution Roller. I’m not familiar with the guide mechanism for oscillating the roller. When I opened the roller I found the shaft […]
More#4 Rider Bushing Replacement
Hello all. I was fortunate enough to attend Paul’s workshop in Chicago last week and learned a great deal, but the one thing I was unable to retain is what exactly the process is for fixing these missing (broken?) bushings in my riders. As I understand it, there are taper pins holding the assembly together, […]