Over the past month or so, the carriage on our Uni III has developed some hesitation from when you hit the green cycle button and when it actually begins moving down the bed. This morning it finally just stopped cycling, or at least it would do a couple cycles and then stop at the control end. […]
MoreCategory: Universal series
Universal III roller gear issue
I have taken a break from printing (it’s been 4 years) and now I’m ready to get back into it. I took pretty copious notes, but for this issue, I can’t remember how to adjust or what the problem is exactly. This piece that’s circled keeps coming loose when I put the rollers in and […]
MoreUni 3 Roller Bracket
I’m not sure of the actual part name. See photo. It’s a bracket that goes on the bar that raises or lowers the rollers. I’m wondering if it should be loose or fixed? I thought there was a screw holding it on, but it’s a rivet of some kind, so I cannot tighten it. But […]
MoreUniversal III Tympan Issues
We have successfully used mylar/acetate tympan on our SP-15s for years, but when we tried one on the Uni III, it keeps slipping. There could be multiple causes: 1. The mechanism for holding the tympan on the Uni II is not suitable for acetate; 2. the acetate is thinner than we usually use ( I […]
MoreMiscellaneous Parts Identification
I recently picked up a Vandercook Universal I – very dirty but in generally good mechanical condition. Along with it came a bunch of parts (extra gripper bar, brass sheet guides, star wheels, etc.). There are 2 parts that I can’t find on the press and I’m wondering if they’re for a different model. See photo […]
MoreWater based inks on a Vandercook?
Anyone have experience using water based inks on a vandercook? I’ve used oil based for my prints for over 20 years now but am curious about water based mainly to speed up my dry times between colors. Ive ordered some sample sizes of Graphic Chemicals water soluble relief ink line to experiment with myself but […]
MoreRe-assembly and conversion (to manual) of Universal II (power carriage)
Hello printers, An alumnus has just donated a Vandercook to our university; after saying, “sure, we could use another”, I learned that it is a Universal II power carriage w/ adjustable bed and that owing to the weight of the press, moving it from its former home (the second story of a barn) required dissassembly. […]
MoreUniversal III Roller Height
I need to adjust the roller height on our Universal III and am wondering if there is a trick to it. I was able to turn the knobs on the back rollers slightly, enough to get to a good height. But the front roller knobs do not move at all. Wondering if there is a […]
MoreUniversal Manual and website specs
I was looking through my Universal 1 manual and found the Max Plate or Form Size to be 15″ x 22″. The website indicates this measurement to be 13″ x 22″. Needs correction I suppose on one or the other. Casey iLp
MoreUniversal III power carriage motor adaptation
Hello: Almost 3 years ago I wrote with some questions regarding the motorization of a Universal III I had acquired without the motor. Paul and others had thoughts to share on the matter, (much thanks for this input to all involved), but it was apparent that this would not be an easy task to accomplish. […]
MoreUniversal III-Rag stuck in gear
While cleaning our new Uni III, one of my students managed to get a rag caught in the drive cylinder gear. They wisely cut the motor off and unplugged the machine, but our attempts to The chain is very tight; I cannot find any wiggle room to get the rag out. I’m now trying to […]
MoreUni III Carriage slam
Ive had my Universal III for almost a year now and have been running some large editions on it. 99.9% of the time she runs perfectly, but occasionally upon returning to the feed table the carriage will slam home with a startling amount of force. Im talking once out of a few hundred cycles and […]