Scott Fisk, designer, educator, and vanderblog consultant, just bought a Reprex, a 1960s era down-market flatbed cylinder proof press. Its overall condition is quite good and it should prove to be serviceable. Its mechanisms, however, may seem a bit peculiar to most Vandercook operators. For example, the reservoir drum, while driven by a chain, also […]
MoreUniversal III toggle base (usefulness for photopolymer)
I have two Vandercook Universal III toggle plate bases with all the toggles and tools and was wondering if I’d be able to use them with photopolymer plates. It seems to me that with metal backed photopolymer plates they might work were it not for the fact that the toggles themselves would print. Are the […]
MorePressure Ink Well
*Was: Unknown device on SP-15…* changed for archiving purposes What is the component you see sticking up on the back corner of the paper feed board? I never see it on any of the posted photos. This image is of an SP-15.
MoreAutomatic frisket…
I recently bought a Universal III with the automatic frisket / paper delivery option. I’m looking for information about the automatic frisket part. What would cause you to use a frisket versus the cloth tapes which is the only thing I’ve ever seen being used? What do you use for the frisket material?
Not the most technical of posts here, but I just wanted to give mention to the Vandercook Press Flickr photo page for those who may not have seen it yet. This page now has over a hundred pictures of Vandercook presses. If you have any images of the Vandercooks in your shop/studio maybe think about […]
Can someone tell me about the characteristics and specs of a “tindeck blanket,” the original packing specified for the impression cylinder of my No.2 Proof Press, according to the model description on the vandy site. Just curious, never having come across one. Thanks, Duncan Dempster Honolulu, Hawaii
Morecylinder gear tooth alignment
After reading the previous discussion about a misaligned cylinder causing the grippers to smash the form, I thought about the SP20 I’m currently going over (and on which we have not yet printed) and noted that when I received it, the gripper bar was not at 12 oclock when the cylinder was home at the […]
MoreVandercook 4 problem
I have printed a couple of projects on a Vandercook 4 that a friend recently purchased. I have had to put 4.5 picas of furniture in back of the deadline bar because if I were to put type or engraving at the deadline bar (without the furniture) it would smash. With the furniture in, this […]
MoreGrippers snap closed when cylinder is at feed board…
I am trying to work out the quirks in one of my 320G presses and the thing that is bothering me the most is that the grippers are closing when the cylinder reaches the feed board. The gripper pedal won’t open them at this point. The gripper bar stops at the proper vertical orientation, but […]
More232P Parts and Maintenance Manual Wanted
Either xerox or pdf form. We would be happy to pay for any expense. Pleas email me at : typenut[at] charles
MoreNo. 4 Manual
Does anyone have access to a Vandercook proof press #4 operations manual or some such directions on the press’s operation. Also who is a good supplier for photopolymer plates for this press? Thanks, Bosco Bob
MoreNew Owner
I am a new member of this blog and not very savy in the digital realm. I have come into the care of a VC # 3 with the serial # 8126. I am completely flumoxed by the very thorough cross referenced numbers and dates that Paul has collected. I hope to find the manufactured […]