The old switch fell back into the box. It was being held in place by a metal clip on the frame, shown here on the wood feed-board of the press. I could not get it to grab the switch, so I figured I would just replace it with a household switch, but am unclear about […]
MoreCategory: No. 4 / 215
Vandercook No 4 Delivery Tray
Hello Vandercookers. I am restoring a No. 4 and need a delivery tray made. I have one to copy. I was wondering if anyone else out there is missing one and would like one made? Between time and materials I’m guessing these will be about $200-250 bucks plus shipping if you want one. Obviously the […]
Morevandercook 4 impression cylinder repair
i am working on a vandercook 4 serial nr. 15900 that i bought a couple of weeks ago. when inspectiong the press i realized that there is a strange thing inside the cylinder on the operator side. see pictures. the other other thing was next to rust a broken pin on the […]
MoreAdjusting roller height on model 4
On my Model 4 I sometimes have to print type that is higher than .918 inches. This means setting the rollers higher, and I do it somewhat by trial and error. But I would like to know precisely: how much of a clockwise turn of the adjusting screws gives say .05 inches or 1 mm? […]
Morewhen the Vandercook 4 is a knockin….
Hello! I’ve been having a problem on and off for the last few months where the top carriage, when rollers are engaged there is a fast knocking noise emanating from what seems to be the large oscillating roller. if i lift them ever so slightly or push them back it goes away but only temporarily. […]
MoreVandercook 4, pulley set screw won’t stay tight
The top wheel of the motor assembly pulley on my Vandercook 4 (#12545) keeps loosening. The set screw tightens, but loosens after the motor runs for a bit. The wheel and the belt move on the post toward the operator, away from the motor. This is a recurring problem, but every once in a while […]
MoreBlack #4
Came across a nice #4 but it is black Do you know if Vandercook made black ones? Norman Hicks +1 415-725-1670
MoreNo. 4 Trip/Print lever
I’m hoping this is a simple question. What part of the trip/print lever on the No. 4 maintains the lever arm in trip? When I depress my lever into trip and the arm moves upward, but it doesn’t stay engaged and immediately falls back down along with the trip wedge (back into print). I’m not […]
MoreVandercook 4 gripper pedal mechanism
Hello, I have been working a bit with the Vandercook 4 in a shared shop in Sweden. During some investigation as to why the ink drum wasn’t rolling when the power was turned on, several screws were removed from under the plate, resulting in the disconnecting of the gripper pedal. I have looked at length […]
MoreVandercook No. 4 Steady Roller Issues
I’m restoring a No. 4 that’s in pretty rough shape. I noticed that the steady rollers do not have adjusting levers on either side. Additionally, when the carriage rolls down the bed, sometimes the steady rollers move laterally and in one case even fell out. I’m also having difficulty matching with the manual drawings with […]
MoreVandercook 4 … nothing happens?
Hi, I bought a Vandercook 4 in December, and I have not been able to get it to work. The issue is this: when I throw the power switch, nothing happens. I have replaced both the switch and the indicator bulb, and I have had a local machinist come out to review the wiring, but […]
MoreDrive belt for Vandercook 4
I recently purchased a Vandercook 4 (serial number 15744). The press was supposedly housed for many years at the University of Notre Dame. In any case, it is not operational at the moment. I have a local machinist looking into the wiring, which seems to be the issue, as the motor, when all the wiring […]