New Owner

I am a new member of this blog and not very savy in the digital realm. I have come into the care of a VC # 3 with the serial # 8126. I am completely flumoxed by the very thorough cross referenced numbers and dates that Paul has collected. I hope to find the manufactured […]


Vandercook Grey Paint

I am preparing to repaint one of my Universal IIIs and am trying to come up with a suitable paint that I can apply without having to haul it to a painter. On letpress Greg Fischer suggested brush painting with Rust-Oleum Professional High-Performance Enamel “Smoke Gray”, but I would prefer to use spray cans in […]


Feedboard Feedback

Ok, maybe not the most consequential Vandercook query, but this has been nagging at me. I’m currently fixing up my departments’ recently salvaged SP20 (serial #25595), and have noticed that the feed board is ungraduated along the slot which holds the edge guide (missing, of course). In contrast, my SP15 has the customary scale for […]


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