Manual for SP-15?

I’ve come across an SP-15 for sale, but it’s in pieces and I’m hoping to find a manual for the model so that I can inventory all of the bits to make sure everything is there. Obviously I’d also like to make sure that I rebuild the press correctly. Does anyone out there happen to […]


SP15 oscillator problem

I’m having a problem with my steel roller (the large one that oscillates) binding against the inner form roller when the carriage returns. After returning one or two inches it binds regardless of location, i.e.: If I lift and lower the oscillating roll, it still binds at any point on the return trip. One side […]


Sticky Grippers

I have a problem with sticky grippers on my SP-15. Everything was working fine, then they became stiffer and stiffer until they didn’t want to open at all. As far as I can tell the foot pedal assembly is fine. I’ve taken apart the gripper assembly, cleaned and lubricated it. While it seems to work […]


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