I am preparing to repaint one of my Universal IIIs and am trying to come up with a suitable paint that I can apply without having to haul it to a painter. On letpress Greg Fischer suggested brush painting with Rust-Oleum Professional High-Performance Enamel “Smoke Gray”, but I would prefer to use spray cans in […]
MoreNo.4 Cylinder Engineering Print
Fritz sent me this drawing of a No.4 cylinder showing its position at the feed board. It is posted for the benefit of Klu, and other tenacious individuals who dare to restore long-abandoned presses from which lesser mortals would have walked away. –PM The excerpt below was originally posted 10-11-06 by Paul Moxon on “PPL”:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PPLetterpress […]
MoreManual for Uni I (#20234)
A few years back, a manual was ordered by Mass Art (where I teach) for our Universal I. When I opened it to find the part number for the spring plunger, I could not find the part. Our Uni I is an earlier model from what I can tell from the serial number chart. Do […]
MoreFeedboard Feedback
Ok, maybe not the most consequential Vandercook query, but this has been nagging at me. I’m currently fixing up my departments’ recently salvaged SP20 (serial #25595), and have noticed that the feed board is ungraduated along the slot which holds the edge guide (missing, of course). In contrast, my SP15 has the customary scale for […]
MoreID this proof press!
A fella in Panama City, Florida has offered this press on the Briar Press classifieds site, but can’t find any info on it. The third picture I found in an article online and is of a similar press, but it made no mention of what it was. Does anybody know? Daniel Morris The Arm Letterpress […]
MoreCylinder Undercut Variables
[In a previous post I stated that all 4Ts have an cylinder undercut of .070″. —PM] Just to add my two cents, my 4T cylinder is undercut to .070″ as are the other 4T’s at the Wells Book Arts Center. … I’m curious why a Uni I manual at the Center would have been undercut […]
MoreModerator Note
Dear members, Thank you for helping to get this blog off to such a great start. Since launching it two weeks ago your ranks have grown to 40. I appreciate the numerous public and private comments and as I learn more about the software I use to build this blog I promise to add better […]
MoreBent Bumper on Uni I
It’s finally time to fix the bent bumper on my Uni I. The bumper bar itself has been bent from use, which makes the bumpers useless when the press is on short-trip (when in s-t the bumpers stick out from the press instead of hugging the sides of the press). Has anyone ever straightened the […]
MoreAnybody using 320G/325G with auto sheet feed?
Hello, I have a 320G press (#17096) set up with the optional auto sheet feed and was wondering if anyone was using one of these presses. I am looking for replacement rubber tapes for its sheet advance mechanism and have yet to find a source. Any ideas? Any tips on working on this press from […]
MoreUniversal III press restoration…
As time permits, I have been working to restore two Vandercook Universal III presses (#25942 and #27123) which I bought from a printing equipment dealer on the west coast and had freighted to me here in Brooklyn. I have been hounding poor Fritz with numerous questions and parts inquiries and thought it might be better […]
MoreSP-15 inking issues
[Some comments in response to this post concern repair of the Adjustable Bed on Universal I -PM] I have what seems to be an older model SP-15. It looks exactly like the photos of Vivian Leung’s SP-15, which I have swiped from Briar Press and posted below. It only has four grippers, and the roller […]
MoreCarriage Adjustments on SP15 to limit lateral movement
At the Mass Art Press (Massachusetts College of Art), we have two SP15s. Both have what seems to be significant lateral movement in the carriage. When the carriage is rolled beyond the feedboard over the bed, the carriage can be wiggled toward and away from the operator by…oh…lets say 24-36 pts.. I’m assuming this is […]