Hello all – I’ve just purchased this press and want to identify the model and I’m not having much luck. Any assistance would be appreciated. Best, Dave Harper
MoreCategory: General
Vandercook No.4 Pulley gaskets
Hello Vanderblogers, Wondering if anyone has had any luck changing gaskets in the belt driven Pulley that drives the ink drum on this press. and Paul, do gaskets exist? or is this a Paul Moxon has the spec’s available to order from McMaster Carr? any advice on changing these is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Tony […]
MoreNo. 4 Tympan Bar lock plate
Hello Vandercookers… I have two tympan lock bars for a No. 4. No idea of what the real name for these are. They hold the typman to the Reel Rod. Both have one friction pin broken off. I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on pressing the broken pin out of one, and then […]
MoreFREE copies of “The Vandercook 100”
If anyone wants a free copy of The Vandercook 100, please email me at barbaravhauser@gmail.com. First come, first served. It’s a beautiful book! Sorry — the book has been “sold” out. Thanks for your interest!
MoreInk monitor
Hello, I have been trying to find info on the ink monitors for universal III presses. I have three in various states of repair.I would like to get one of them working. does anybody have knowledge of how they work and how to test.I just want something to play with during long runs to stave […]
MoreUni III – Gripper Problem at End of Bed
Hi – I have my (early) Universal III up and running and it’s printing very well and all is great except for the paper release/gripper problem at the end of the bed. I posted on this awhile ago and have been tinkering with the problem on and off ever since and still no luck. I […]
MoreUpdating wiring to add ground
I want to share my recent experience updating the wiring on an SP-20 motor to add ground. (Disclaimer: I am not an electrician although I consulted with an electrician.) My press arrived with the power cord cut off where it exited the press. So, I needed to add a plug anyway and decided it would […]
MoreVandercook #4 Bed Available
There is a cast iron bed for a Vandercook #4 available in Frenchtown, New Jersey. This bed is in good condition but has been completely stripped of parts. It does not include the cabinet or racks or any other bolt-on parts. No freight or shipping is available. If your press has damage or serious rail […]
MoreVandercook SP-20 Ink Distributor Roller Spring Replacement
This is for Fritz, who asked me to make a post here to place an order with NA Graphics. My spring on the ink distributor roller broke a bit ago. We spoke on the phone last week. Is this the best way to place that order for the SP-20 Ink Distributor Roller springs? I need […]
MoreWearing through Worm Crescents SP15
Hello out there! It seems that my SP15 (50081) has been wearing through worm crescents very quickly lately. Aside from a thorough cleaning, proper lubrication of crescent shaft (with powdered graphite) and worm gear (with Vaseline), is there anything else I should be looking out for? Or maybe I’m doing the aforementioned incorrectly… I replaced […]
MoreUpdated Video
Updated Video
MoreModel 22
Boggs Graphics has a model 22 up for auction on 1/25. What is a model 22? Hope all is well and that you are safe and healthy lad